Thursday, January 20, 2011

Writing a Book

There are some goals you have that you never really have to think about.  They've been there, waiting in the back of your mind, for as long as you can remember.  They're a part of who you are.  And you think about them.  And maybe sometimes when you're feeling inadequate you wonder if you'll ever complete them, but in all your moments of glory you know the truth--it's really just a matter of time.

That's how it is with me and writing a book.  And over the years I've had different ideas about the book I would write.  It used to be a novel.  Now it definitely isn't.

I read a lot of craft and sewing blogs.  And blogs are funny because anyone can have them.  Here I am, just a little stay at home mom in my early twenties writing a blog about sewing and having a daughter and a life.  And yet, somehow blogs make me (in my head at least) on par with people who are big stuff.  And as my reader base grows, so does my ego.  Anyone who has a blog and tells you different is either not being honest with themselves or just not being honest with you.  And, somehow, in the course of things, I've begun to think of myself more and more as big stuff.  Not all the time, of course--in fact, probably not most of the time--but just enough so that, lately, when I see that another blogger is publishing or contributing to a book it gets me going.  I used to see that and think, "They are amazing."  And I still do think that, but now the thought is almost always followed with, "If they can do it, surely I can do it too."

So I've been thinking a lot lately about writing a book.  But I have two problems.  First of all, I have no idea how to get published.  And--let's be clear, here--I'm talking about having a book published, not printed.  I know I could go just about anywhere these days to have a book printed.  I mean I want to have a publisher and publish and have my book in the shelf at the local bookstore.  Is that really so hard?

Sometimes I think no, but most of the time I think yes.  Because my other problem is this: I'm not entirely sure what I would write about.  I have a few ideas, but I'm not sure.  How do you know you're ready to write a book?  How do you know you've got the stuff?


  1. The answer is I have no idea... but I bet if you get at least 5 comments on this post, you're ready to start shopping around to publishers. ;)

  2. Many authors begin by getting articles published. Sometimes the articles turn into a chapter, sometimes they expand into the whole book. Depends on the topic. To get articles published in magazines, you send a "pitch" for the article to the magazine, usually. Sometimes they want the actual writing. Depends on the magazine, and what you are writing. Check out magazines you'd like to see your work in, and read up on their submission requirements. I took a writing class a couple years ago called "Idea to Book." The class covered lots of things like that. Let me know when you want more specifics.

    In the meantime, try out several ideas on yourself. Write out a proposal - what the book would be about, chapters, etc. See what you think. Dabble a little. I'll bet you get published before I do.
